If this appears this can appear in the input file ---------------- --------------------------------- x ::= y x is of the form y x y something of the form x and then following something of the form y "x" x or X literally ( ) indicate priorities [ x ] something of the form x is optional here { x } any number (including 0) of parts of the form x can appear x | y alternative between the form x and y fuzzy_data_file axiom (the form of the complete file) idf any free chosen identifier (see also "Some additional limitations" below) number a real number (e.g. "1.2e-3" or "0.0012") newline the next line starts here
fuzzy_data_file ::= region cuts params { table } end region ::= [ decisepdef ] "region" leftbottom rightbottom lefttop [area] leftbottom ::= [ newline ] number number rightbottom ::= [ newline ] number number lefttop ::= [ newline ] number number newline area ::= { number number [newline] } newline cuts ::= [ decisepdef ] "cuts" [ newline ] { number [ newline ] } params ::= [ decisepdef ] "parameters" [ newline ] { param } param ::= idf [ ":" "variable" ] { "(" param_type ")" } newline param_type ::= "+" [ number ] "/" "-" number | "log10" table ::= [ tabledefs ] "table" { newline } attrib_line { fvalue_line } attrib_line ::= attrib { delimiter attrib } newline { newline } attrib ::= "x" | "y" | idf fvalue_line ::= fvalue { delimiter fvalue } newline { newline } fvalue ::= ( ( hcut | number ) [ {"/" hcut} | {"/" cut} ] ) | undef hcut ::= number ":" number "-" number cut ::= number "-" number tabledefs ::= [ undefdef ] [ delimiterdef ] [ decisepdef ] undefdef ::= "undefstring" "is" undef newline delimiterdef::= "delimiterstring" "is" delimiter newline decisepdef ::= "decisepcharacter" "is" decisep newline end ::= "end" number ::= ["+"|"-"] digitstr