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How many is 250000 (live population on a map)?

Warning: If you click the links to other pages on this site (tree menu to the left), you get only pages in german - I translated only this page.

Kiel (in Germany) has population 1/4 million. But how can this number be visualized?

Switch on the display of the 250000 stick men on the map to the right (only in 3d version of this page). Press the button at the bottom left of the map (depicting some people) or press B. They live!

You can use the following keys:

- B: Stick men on/off
- NM: Switch between predefined camera perspectives
- Esc: Back to this view
- Move the mouse on the map (preferably slowly): Shoo away stick men

- WASD: move forward/backward/left/right
- RF: move up/down (TG: change view angle)
- <-->: rotate left/right (YC: other variant)

Independent from the population

- H = Button "Höhen: x überhöht": changes the superelevation of the landscape, but also of the stick men. x12 is the default, a stick man on the map is about 20m large. If you view the people in x1 original size, they can hradly be seen; you have go very near.
- P = Button "Wasserpegel": raises the water level
- IO = Button "Demo: ...": switches to other tech demos (they originally belong to other pages: (german only!) e.g. Action-Fraktal, Lichtschwimmer)

- Move the mouse on the map: some districts of the city are shown.
- Mouse click on the map: opens a information window with links to german Wikipedia / OpenStreetMap pages.


- V (incomplete/preview/test/demo) toggle distribution of the stick men.

By the way, the simulated count is 1/4M in the sense of M = 1024*1024 = 262144, but I assume there is no huge difference to 250000.

The stick men are programmed as shader (link to my skills page in german). The CPU needs not see the positionsof the stick men; they stay in the graphics card (about 20MB siffices). A Core i CPU 2.Gen.(2012) with integrated graphics card is enough to show the demo fluently (about 60Hz). A current system with dedicated graphics card is able to show 16M stick men (tested ok, uses about 1G of VRAM), but this is not so useful anyway because Kiel only has 1/4M population and how could you differenciate 16M stick men on 2M pixels (FullHD)?

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