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Management window: Menuitems "And"/"Or"/"Sum"
If you want to add a new composition operator, you have to select the
appropiate menu
item of the management window first
(or press one of the keys "A"/"O"/"S").
The cursor then changes its form to one of . Place
the cursor in a free area on the right side of the
management window,
just where you want the composition operator to appear.
The cursor changes its look to one of the forms if
it is possible to place the composition at this location. Then click the left
mouse button in order to confirm the creation of this composition at
this place (or press Esc to cancel).
The input for these compositions is fixed by drawing connections from
the second column or from other compositions to this composition with
the help of the menu item "connect".
If you want to delete a composition, choose "delete" from
the management window menu.
The and-composition means that the membership values (in the range [0,1])
are composed by the function min (to take the minimum value is the
typical and-operator on fuzzy sets), which takes the lowest of the input
(Remark: This composition is the usual implementation for "and", which
of course is compatible with the conventional logical "and": e.g. 0 and
1 = 0 (FALSE and TRUE = FALSE). This remark holds accordingly for the other
The or-composition means that the membership values (in the range [0,1])
are composed by the function max (to take the maximum value is the
typical or-operator on fuzzy sets), which takes the highest of the input
The sum-composition means that the membership values from the
membership function (in the range [0,1])
are composed by the weighted sum, which is the sum of all input values
multiplied by their weight.