FUZZEKS [to Index]
A simplified example for FUZZEKS
The goal of this example is to find out about the suitability of a given area
as waste disposal site.
In this simplified example four spatial parameters are considered:
- Water table depth (m)
- Hydraulic conductivity (m/s)
- Clay content (%)
- Cl concentration (mg/l)
The points where parameter values are known (either exact or fuzzy)
are as evenly distibuted as possible.
The evaluation bases on values of these parameters, therefore we
have to aggregate them before the kriging process.
In the example the aggregation leads to membership values of a given area
for "suitability as waste disposal site: high".
Finally the kriging results are presented in a suitable form.
The simplified example demonstrates how to
- incorporate fuzzy input data points in a set of exact data points,
- use the aggregation facilities of FUZZEKS and
- use fuzzy kriging (regionalization) and find a display of the results
that is suitable to show the neccesary information about the desired
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